Potassium fluoride,anhydrous
           Potassium fluoride,extra pure
           Potassium fluoride,Granular
           Silicon Dioxide
           Hydrofluoric acid
           Synthetic Cryolite
           Potassium Fluoaluminate
           Ammonium bifluoride
           Potassium Bifluoride
           Aluminium fluoride
           Sodium fluoride
           Fluorosilicic Acid
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Hydrofluoric acid produces tissue damage via two mechanisms (hence, the double whammy). First, free hydrogen ions cause corrosive burns.  Second, fluoride ions penetrate the tissue and cause chemical burns by forming insoluble salts with calcium and magnesium in the body. Fluoride ions combine with other cations to make soluble salts that dissociate quickly. As a result fluoride ions are released again, causing further tissue destruction/necrosis (hence, exposure is not just skin deep).

Unlike other acids which can be rapidly neutralized, the neutralization of hydrofluoric acid may proceed for days during which tissue destruction may continue. Hydrofluoric acid binds with calcium whenever the acid comes in contact with skin or other tissues. Because calcium is required for cell life, fluoride’s calcium-binding capacity may result in rapid cell death. Extensive hydrofluoric acid exposure can inactivate large amounts of calcium in the body, significantly depleting calcium supplies required for vital bodily functions.

Nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid are highly corrosive and toxic, widely used in the chemical industry. In the case of both the tide, light, heat and other conditions can produce nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases hydrogen fluoride gas, the human body after inhalation lead to acute gas poisoning. Hydrofluoric acid burn patients nursing measures were analyzed. The method of data selected from May 2010 - April 2014 hydrofluoric acid burn patients admitted to hospital early treatment measures for the study, patients taking six cases.